From today’s Wall Street Journal, a contrary view on the efficacy of smart meters: Not everyone thinks smart meters are such a smart use of money. Utilities are spending billions of dollars outfitting homes and businesses with the devices, which wirelessly send information about electricity use to utility billing departments and could help consumers control […]
Read more »While the focus of smart grids is most often upon electricity, similar concepts have been discussed for water. The following two reports place an emphasis upon water. First, as noted in this piece below from GreenTechMedia, some companies are starting to help build a smart grid for water: “…HydroPoint is hoping to change that and, […]
Read more »Courtesy of Earth2Tech, an interesting look at the importance of making smart grids relevant and “friendly” for consumers. As the article notes: “The smart grid means many things to many people,” said Mark Farber, co-founder of Evergreen Solar and now a consultant with Photon Consulting, at the Ceres Conference in San Francisco, Calif., last week. […]
Read more »Courtesy of CleanTechies, a summary of the government’s announced plans to distribute more than $3.3 billion in smart grid technology development grants and an additional $615 million for smart grid storage, monitoring, and technology viability. As the article notes: “…The announcement comes with mixed reviews, including warnings that the $20 million cap on grant awards […]
Read more »Via Earth2Tech, a report that FPL, GE, Cisco, and Silver Spring are teaming up to launch a large smart meter rollout in the Miami area that they hope will be partly funded with investment from the stimulus package. As the article notes: “…GE will provide 1 million smart meters, and FPL Group CEO Lewis Hay […]
Read more »What if we could break our dependence on foreign oil within three years? What if we could break our reliance on coal burning plants? What if we could break the distances electricity was transported in half, then in half again, then in half one more time? What if, in short, we could break up the […]
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